Daniel Cook
CourtsUnited States Court of Federal ClaimsUnited States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
- Chinese (Mandarin)
- Spanish
- J.D., George Washington University Law School
George Washington International Law Review
Mock Trial Board
Alternative Dispute Resolution Board
with honors - B.A., Government, Psychology, Cornell University
- Contributor, "Court of Federal Claims: Jurisdiction, Practice, and Procedure," Bloomberg BNA, 2016 (Co-Authored Chapter 32 "The Judgement Fund")
- Author, "Looking Beyond Accession: Challenges To Implementing the WTO GPA in China," Journal of Public Procurement, Volume 15, Issue 1, Spring 2015
- Author, "Cleaning Up China's Corrupt Construction Industry: E-Procurement and the Tender and Bidding Law," Journal of Contract Management, Summer 2013, Volume 11
- Co-Presenter, Delegation from Chinese Ministry of Finance, "Introduction to the U.S. Federal Procurement System," Falls Church, VA (December 2, 2013)
- Presenter, "Cleaning Up China’s Corrupt Construction Industry: Using E-Procurement Technologies to Remedy China's Problematic Construction Procurement Laws," 2013 NCMA World Congress, Nashville, Tennessee
Prior Experience
Prior to entering the legal practice, Daniel spent four years in China working with a British project management consulting firm representing multinational clients on construction, engineering and development projects.
Media Mentions
- Quoted, "Amid Uncertainty, Foreign Contracting Could Bring Profits," Law360 (March 21, 2017)
- "Smart Cities Seen as Hotbeds for Dirty Deals," Nikkei Asian Review (November 23, 2014)
- "Mercom Wins Protest Over Erroneous $55B Contract Proposal," Law360 (September 24, 2014)
Memberships And Affiliations
- National Contract Management Association
- American Bar Association, Public Contract Law Section
My latest insights
+1 202 799 4725
(Work, Washington, DC)