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Dr Denise Peter

Senior Associate

Dr. Denise Peter advises national and international clients on all aspects of employment and labour law, with focus on internal investigations and HR compliance. She represents companies in and/or out of court and advises them on communication and negotiations with its works councils.

Denise has several years of experience in advising companies in conducting national and cross-border internal investigations. Another focus of Denise’s practice is advising family businesses on employment and labour law.

Areas of FocusEmployment
Professional QualificationsRechtsanwältin admitted with Hanseatische Rechtsanwaltskammer Hamburg


  • Conducting internal investigations regarding bribery, corruption, and US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act („FCPA”)-related issues in various Asian and European countries for a global technology family business.
  • Advising a US corporation on a global solution for the implementation of a whistleblower and investigation policy in all European countries.
  • Advising numerous companies concerning external personnel compliance, in particular the organization of the deployment of external personnel, the development, establishment and implementation of corresponding compliance processes and the handling/investigation of possible misconduct.
  • Advising a company on the implementation of obligations under the German Supply Chain Act (“LkSG”) into employment relationships.
  • Advising the supervisory board of a DAX-40 automobile manufacturer in connection with diesel emissions.
  • Advising an international corporation in connection with a global US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act ("FCPA") investigation.
  • Internal investigation for a German bank on share transactions near the dividend record date.
  • Conducting internal investigations into so-called #MeToo cases.


*The above list includes matters completed whilst Denise was in her previous employment.
  • German
  • English
  • Dr. iur., Friedrich Schiller University Jena, 2017
  • Higher Regional Court Hamburg, Second State Examination, 2015
  • Friedrich Schiller University Jena, First State Examination, 2009


  • Commentary on Section 24 Works Constitution Act (termination of membership), in: beck-online.GROSSKOMMENTAR zum Betriebsverfassungsrecht, ed. v. Boemke/Gallner/Gaul/Rudkowski, as of 1 July 2024.
  • Labour Law in family businesses, 2018 (Arbeitsrecht in Familienunternehmen – Legitimität und Grenzen eines Sonderarbeitsrechts für Familienunternehmen, 2018)


  • Workplace Investigations under special consideration of #MeToo cases, 12 September 2024.
  • Regular workshop on internal investigations and labor law.
  • Supply Chain Compliance based on German and EU legislation with focus on the implementation of binding guidelines for employees, December 2022.

Prior Experience

  • Since 2021, Lawyer for Employment and Labour Law at DLA Piper
  • 20182021, Lawyer for Corporate, Compliance and Internal Investigations at an international law firm
  • 2017, Lawyer for Employment and Labour Law at a German law firm specialising in Employment and Labour Law
  • Prior several years of work as a research assistant and legal trainee in the field of Employment and Labour Law in several international law firms and at the Chair of Civil Law, Labour Law, Civil Procedure Law and Legal Theory at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena

Memberships And Affiliations

  • German Bar Association (Deutscher Anwalt Verein – DAV)
  • German Lawyer Day (Deutscher Juristentag – DJT)
