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rebeka bakos large

Rebeka Bakos*

Competition and Antitrust
Budapest*Independent attorney-at-law in cooperation with DLA Piper Posztl, Nemescsói, Györfi-Tóth and Partners.

Rebeka has been working on competition law cases since graduation (merger control, anticompetitive agreements, abuse of dominance issues and consumer protection law cases) related to various sectors (ex. pharmaceutical/cosmetics/construction industry/agriculture and air passenger transport).

During her university years besides competition law she deepened in civil and administrative litigation law and studied EU law in Paris as well.

Professional QualificationsLawyer (Ügyvéd) admitted to the Budapest Bar Association (Budapesti Ügyvédi Kamara)
  • English
  • French
  • Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar
