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Dr Emanuel H. F. Ballo

Recognised internationally for his extensive experience in white-collar crime matters and investigations
Who is Who Legal

Dr Emanuel Ballo advises national and international companies on all aspects of white collar crime. He is experienced in defending companies against criminal allegations and coordinating the defence of employees as well as advising companies with regard to criminal offences affecting their organisations.

Emanuel has conducted numerous internal investigations to detect, prosecute and prevent irregularities within companies. A further focus of his work is advising companies on criminal compliance.

Emanuel Ballo is a member of the Board and the Anti-Money Laundering Supervision Department of the Frankfurt Bar Association and a lecturer at the EBS University of Economics and Law. He is also on the academic advisory board of the journal “Geldwäsche und Recht" ("Anti-Money Laundering and Law”).

Professional QualificationsRechtsanwalt admitted with Rechtsanwaltskammer Frankfurt am Main


  • Conducting an internal investigation and advising an international automotive manufacturer after receiving a whistleblower tip on possible misconduct by executives with regard to embezzlement, mobbing and other compliance violations. 
  • Advising a technology company after a cyberattack on criminal law implications as well as with regard to the communication strategy. 
  • Criminal and anti-money laundering law advice to a listed company in connection with its participation in the construction of a power plant in a high-risk country.
  • Advising a German based and internationally operating healthcare/life sciences company on ESG/compliance issues, including violations in the supply chain caused by our client’s supplier.
  • Conducting an internal investigation and providing criminal law advice to a leading real estate project developer after receiving a tip-off from a subcontractor regarding the suspicion of bribery and betrayal of business secrets.
  • Criminal law advice to an internationally operating company in criminal tax proceedings on suspicion of evasion of payroll taxes and defense against the investigating authorities.
  • Providing criminal law advice to a listed company and filing a criminal complaint against a former employee on suspicion of fraud, subsidy fraud, betrayal of business secrets and tax evasion. The advice includes the coordination with the investigating authorities.
  • German
  • English
  • University of Frankfurt am Main, First State Examination, 2007
  • University of Leicester
  • University of Frankfurt am Main, Ph.D, 2010

    Higher Regional Court Frankfurt am Main, Second State Examination, 2011


  • JUVE Handbook 2023/2024: Frequently recommended for white collar crime: advice to companies and compliance investigations; "smart, calm, confident", competitor
  • Legal 500 Germany 2024: Leading individual and recommended for white-collar crime: advice to companies, also recommended for compliance and internal investigations; "Emanuel Ballo: An outstanding white-collar crime lawyer. The collaboration was and is excellent. I will recommend him at any time and without hesitation", "Trustful, longstanding collaboration with Emanuel Ballo and his team. Practical, highly competent advice in the context of compliance incidents and internal investigations, excellent international network and partner law firms. Fast response times", "Emanuel Ballo’s team is very competent and impresses with practical solutions. Outstanding, very personable lawyers"
  • Handelsblatt in cooperation with Best Lawyers 2024/2025: Recommended for criminal defense
  • WirtschaftsWoche 2025: Recommended as “top lawyer” for white collar crime
  • Who's Who Legal: “Leading lawyer under 45” and “Future Leader” and “up-and-coming star” respectively, who is “recognised internationally for his extensive experience in white-collar crime matters and investigations”
  • Member of the teams that received the JUVE Award “Firm of the Year for Compliance Investigations” in 2012, 2016 and 2018


  • Ballo/Sauerwein, From Crisis to Criminal Liability? On the Criminal Liability Risks for employees and Companies in connection with Corona Relief Measures, in: COVuR 2021, p.200 et seq.
  • Ballo/Schoop, Commentary on anti bribery laws and confiscation legislation (before sections 73 et seq., sections 73-76 b, 299, 331-334, 357 StGB), in: Nomos Kommentar, Arbeits- und Sozialstrafrecht, ed. by Parigger / Helm / Stevens-Bartol, 1st edition 2021
  • Ballo, Compliance in medium-sized businesses - curse or blessing?, in Mittelstandsjahrbuch Accounting, Taxation & Law 2021/2022, ed. Hoffmann / Schlüter / Langenhorst, 2021 (p. 1 et seq.)
  • Ballo/Skoupil, Conduct during and recommendations for searches, in Anti-Korruption Compliance, ed. by Busch LL.M. / Hoven / Pieth / Rübenstahl, 1st edition 2020 (chapter 24)
  • Ballo/Skoupil, Cooperation with Investigative Authorities, in: Anti-Korruption Compliance, ed. by Busch LL.M. / Hoven / Pieth / Rübenstahl, 1st edition 2020 (chapter 30)
  • Ballo, Commentary on Anti-Money Laundering laws (section 261 StGB), in: GwG, ed. by Zentes / Glaab, 2nd edition 2020
  • Ballo/Schoop, Commentary on the anti bribery laws (section 20 Corruption), in: Münchener Anwaltshandbuch Verteidigung in Wirtschafts- und Steuerstrafsachen, ed. by Volk / Beukelmann, 3rd ed. 2020
  • Ballo/Schoop, Corporate criminal law is approaching, in: Börsen-Zeitung, 2020
  • Ballo/Schoop, Is the "criminal code" for companies coming? in: Handelsblatt, 2019
  • Ballo/Skoupil, "Quick Savings" – a problem of criminal law on corruption?, NJW 2019, 1174 - 1178 
  • Commentary on Sec. 261 of the Criminal Code (money laundering), in: GwG, published by Zentes/Glaab, 1st edition 2018, pages 1024 - 1051 
  • The coalition agreement 2018 − Fresh impetus to the reform of the law of corporate sanctions, in: CB 2018, 189 - 193 
  • Commentary on the decision of the Braunschweig Regional Court of 21 July 2015 (protection against seizure), in: wistra 2016, 40 - 44
  • Legal privilege in the context of internal investigation − On the scope and the limits of Sec. 160a of the StPO, in: NZWiSt 2013, 46 - 52


Besides his lectures at the university Emanuel Ballo regularly gives lectures and trainings for clients, associations and at conferences

Prior Experience

  • 2019 - today: Partner at DLA Piper
  • 2015 - 2019: Associated Partner at another leading law firm in Frankfurt/Main
  • 2011 - 2015: Associate and Senior Associate at DLA Piper

Memberships And Affiliations

  • German Defence Counsel Association
  • White Collar Crime Organisation
