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David Schele

Senior Associate

David Schele advises national and international clients of various sectors. He focuses on data protection law and cybersecurity.

In the area of data protection, he has experience with a wide range of topics, inter alia employee data protection and its national specifics, the obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), in particular information, documentation and transfer obligations. He also advises on data breaches and the potential consequences of non-compliance with GDPR. With respect to cybersecurity, David is primarily involved in advice related to the EU NIS 2 Directive and its local implementation in Germany.

David regularly assists clients in global projects to help them ensure compliance with applicable data protection laws worldwide, including carrying out gap analyses and remediation of identified gaps (such as the creation and/or modification of policies and other documentation as well as advice on related procedures). He efficiently utilizes DLA Piper’s international presence and network for this purpose. As an example, he very successfully assisted a client with the implementation of a human resources information system in 80 countries within a tight deadline, a global automotive supplier with their worldwide data protection program, and a very large global IT consultancy with GDPR audits in 14 EU Member States.

He also regularly makes use of his experience to support client’s corporate transactions by carrying out and coordinating due diligences with respect to data protection law as well as assessing related agreements.

Areas of FocusTechnology
Professional QualificationsRechtsanwalt admitted with Hanseatische Rechtsanwaltskammer Hamburg
  • German
  • English
  • Higher Regional Court Karlsruhe, Second State Examination, 2019
  • Heidelberg University, First State Examination, 2017
