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Sebastian Goslar

Sebastian Goslar possesses extensive experience in corporate law and mergers & acquisitions. He provides comprehensive advice to publicly listed companies, their boards, and investors on various aspects of corporate law, corporate governance, restructurings, and specializes in M&A, particularly public takeovers.
Areas of FocusCorporate
Professional QualificationsRechtsanwalt admitted with Rechtsanwaltskammer Dusseldorf


  • Advising an IT service provider on the reorganization of the group and the spin-off of a company with subsequent listing.*
  • Advising an IT service provider on the reorganization of the group.*
  • Advising a software company on the squeeze-out of the minority shareholders of a company including subsequent action for lack of resolution and appraisal proceedings.*
  • Advising a software company on the change of legal form into an European Company (SE) and various share buyback programs.*
  • Advising a financial investor on takeover offer for an online marketplace company.*
  • Advising a pension fund on co-investment in connection with KKR's delisting offer for a media company.*
  • Advising a chemical company on stock corporation and capital markets law, in particular a share buyback program, and corporate governance issues.*

*The above experience includes matters on which Sebastian worked in his previous firms.

  • German
  • English
  • Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf, Second State Examination, 2002
  • University of Bonn, First State Examination, 1999

Publications and media

Sebastian regularly publishes articles in German and English language journals and handbooks. Recent publications include:

  • Commentary on §§ 2-5, 7, 8 and 13-15 SpruchG in: Böttcher et al, Commentary on the UmwG, UmwStG and SpruchG (with Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Wilsing), 4th ed. (expected 2023)
  • Section 4 (Legal facts) (with Dr. Hubertus Witte), Section 16 (The offer document) (with Dr. Nikolaos Paschos) and Section 24 (The statement pursuant to Section 27 WpÜG), in: Paschos/Fleischer, Handbuch Übernahmerecht (2017)
  • Section 15 (Squeeze Out) and Section 19 (Delisting) (together with Sebastian Klingen) in: Beck'sches Handbuch der AG, 3rd ed. (2018) (4th ed. expected 2024)
  • Chapter on “Internal Investigations” (with Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Wilsing), in: Krieger/Schneider, Handbuch Managerhaftung, 4th ed. (2023)
  • Chapter on market abuse and security holder-oriented publicity, in: Habersack/Mülbert/Schlitt, Handbuch Kapitalmarktinformation, 3rd ed. 2020 (with Dr. Nikolaos Paschos) (4th ed. expected 2025)
  • Organ Remuneration in Accordance with ARUG II and the New DCGK, in: Der Betrieb 2020, 937 et seq.

Prior Experience

  • Prior to joining DLA Piper in January 2025 Sebastian practiced as a lawyer for several well-known national and international law firm in Dusseldorf.

Memberships and Affiliations

  • German-American Lawyers Association
  • Corporate Law Association
