Helping the industry innovate in a changing environment
Accelerating the energy transition will require virtually every business, particularly those in the energy and natural resources industry, to innovate and adapt to build a better future. We support you in tackling these challenges, seizing opportunities in an uncertain environment.
The energy and natural resources industry faces fresh challenges every day. A highly volatile and uncertain market is fraught with increasing regulation, price shifts, supply chain issues and geopolitical disruptions. You’re looking for new technologies, innovative ways of doing business, efficiencies and market breakthroughs – such as hydrogen – to reshape your business and shift to a more sustainable future.
Our Energy and Natural Resources team understands this fundamental change and how it affects your business, whether you are in the power, renewables, mining, commodities trading, oil and gas, waste, water or hydrogen markets. We advise the regulators, the regulated, investors, developers and other key industry stakeholders, including governments.
Global leaders
“We are both advocates for our clients and players in the industry. So we know what it’s like to walk in your shoes.”
Our team walks alongside you during your project lifecycle including: inception, development, completion, operation and sale. We cover the legal, geographical, commercial and geopolitical aspects of your business across its entire value chain.
We handle the full spectrum of your legal needs in the industry, from finance and project development to regulatory, corporate transactional, restructuring and dispute resolution. Our lawyers approach every issue with sustainability and ESG in mind.
With 400+ lawyers in over 40 countries, we can help you wherever you do business. We become a part of your team and your decision-making process, sharing insights about what shareholders need and what’s trending.
We are both advocates for our clients and players in the industry. So we know what it’s like to walk in your shoes. For example, when we advise you on corporate power purchase agreements, we bring to the table our own experience as the first law firm in the world to have signed one as off-takers.
To find out how we have delivered for our clients, visit our Commodity Supply Chain and Trading, Corporate Power Purchase Agreements, Hydrogen, Mining and Mineral Resources, Nuclear, Oil and Gas, Power, Renewables, Waste and Water pages.
ESG and Energy and Natural Resources
“We are both advocates for our clients and players in the industry. So we know what it’s like to walk in your shoes.”
Our team walks alongside you during your project lifecycle including: inception, development, completion, operation and sale. We cover the legal, geographical, commercial and geopolitical aspects of your business across its entire value chain.
We handle the full spectrum of your legal needs in the industry, from finance and project development to regulatory, corporate transactional, restructuring and dispute resolution. Our lawyers approach every issue with sustainability and ESG in mind.
With 400+ lawyers in over 40 countries, we can help you wherever you do business. We become a part of your team and your decision-making process, sharing insights about what shareholders need and what’s trending.
We are both advocates for our clients and players in the industry. So we know what it’s like to walk in your shoes. For example, when we advise you on corporate power purchase agreements, we bring to the table our own experience as the first law firm in the world to have signed one as off-takers.
To find out how we have delivered for our clients, visit our Commodity Supply Chain and Trading, Corporate Power Purchase Agreements, Hydrogen, Mining and Mineral Resources, Nuclear, Oil and Gas, Power, Renewables, Waste and Water pages.