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Dr Henriette Norda LL.M.


Empathetic, highly competent and very service-oriented… very good solutions even for complex problems… outstanding commitment and fast response time… luminary in the field of labour law. Everyone involved was more than satisfied with the outcome of the project.

Clients, JUVE Handbook

Henriette Norda heads the Employment Law Practice Group in Germany and has been providing comprehensive advice on individual and collective employment law for over ten years. She is a specialist lawyer for labour law.

She has particular expertise in topics related to restructuring and reorganisation. 

For example, Henriette successfully advised Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG, the world market leader in the printing machine industry, on a comprehensive restructuring. The company was able to secure its future through the introduction of an in-house collective agreement on the reorganisation of the company pension scheme and the implementation of a global reduction programme of more than 2,000 employees. 

Another focus of her work is providing employment law support for M&A transactions and joint ventures. 

She successfully represents companies in labour law disputes all the way to the Federal Labour Court (BAG) and has thus been able to play a decisive role in advancing the legal development of issues relating to occupational health and safety. 

Professional QualificationsRechtsanwältin admitted with Hanseatische Rechtsanwaltskammer Hamburg


  • BASF ECMS: Providing comprehensive advice on all employment law matters - works agreement and harmonisation of working conditions (including remuneration arrangements), using both her negotiation skills and knowledge of the industry for benchmarking purposes; also acting as a global contact to ensure that the client receives networked advice on all employment law issues worldwide.
  • ResMed Inc: Assisting the company in its EUR950m acquisition of a leading German provider of healthcare software solutions, using legal tech solutions, which significantly reduced the time needed for advice and resulted in substantial cost savings.
  • HCL Technologies: Strategic advice on the complex reorganisation of the group structure involving a number of mergers, spin-offs, outsourcing and employee transfers, which significantly increased the group's market power.
  • Global technology company: As a single point of contact, it organises and oversees ongoing worldwide advice on labour law matters (e.g. on remote working, bonus systems) and regularly ensures that the client can find the right experts globally for any legal issue within minutes.
  • Listed IT service provider: Support for a global mass redundancy, where the global network within DLA Piper ensured a smooth process.
  • German
  • English
  • Bucerius Law School, First State Examination
  • Higher Court of Hamburg, Second State Examination
  • Bucerius Law School, Ph.D.

    University of Chicago, LL.M.

Awards & Recognitions

  • JUVE Handbook 2024/2025: Up and coming for employment law and frequently recommended for employment law: advising companies; "Exceptionally good lawyer with extensive background knowledge and, at the same time, a good understanding of the big picture", client
  • Legal 500 Germany 2024: Next generation lawyer and recommended for employment law; "Henriette Norda provides clear, commercial and pragmatic advice - she is incredibly responsive and helpful".
  • Handelsblatt in cooperation with Best Lawyers 2024/2025: Recommended for labor and employment law.


  • Comment on BAG, decision of 13 December 2023 – 1 ABR 28/22 – Co-determination pursuant to §§ 99 BetrVG – Digital fulfilment of obligations is possible; BB 2024, 1087 f., Dr Henriette Norda, Pauline Blankenburg
  • The mass dismissal procedure in transition: A (current) case law overview, BB 2023, 2612, Dr Henriette Norda, Pauline Blankenburg
  • The instrument of the social plan: Eine (ausgewählte) Rechtsprechungübersicht, BB 2023, 1844, D. Henriette Norda, Pauline Blankenburg.
  • The burdens of the gas price brake („Die Lasten der Gaspreisbremse”), FAZ 22 March 2023.
  • (Employment law) consequences of claiming relief from the energy price brakes („ (Arbeitsrechtliche) Folgen der Inanspruchnahme von Entlastungen aus den Energiepreisbremsen”), BB 2023, 756
  • Asymmetrical notice periods in managing director service contracts („Asymmetrische Kündigungsfristen im Geschäftsführerdienstvertrag“), NZA 2022, 833, Dr Henriette Norda, Catharina Scharrer
  • The employment contract in electronic form in the area of employee leasing („Der Arbeitsvertrag in elektronischer Form im Bereich der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung“), NZA 2022, 8, Dr Henriette Norda, Dr Felix Stoecker, Niklas Wilde
  • Elections 2022 - Betriebsrätemodernisierungsgesetz, 21 January 2022
  • Travel times in field service - The employee relocation as a labour law problem („Wegezeiten im Außendienst – Der Mitarbeiterumzug als arbeitsrechtliches Problem“), NZA 2021, 612, Dr. Henriette Norda, Philip Hackethal
  • Hospitality Restructuring Germany, 30 October 2020

Prior Experience

  • Since May 2019, Partner at DLA Piper
  • January 2012 - April 2019, Associate to Counsel at DLA Piper
  • January 2011 - December 2011, Associate at an international commercial law firm

Memberships And Affiliations

  • Bucerius Alumni Association
  • Hamburg Association for Labor Law
  • European Business Women`s Club
  • German Bar Association/DAV
  • German Labor Court Association
  • European Employment Lawyers Association/EELA
