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Road in trees
26 July 20234 minute read

Creating and monetizing carbon assets for financing, trading, and retirement

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

If you were unable to join us, we invite you to watch the recording here.

The fifth session in our Clean Energy Tax Credit CLE and CPE speaker series featured relevant aspects of the clean energy tax credits included in the Inflation Reduction Act.

This session looked at carbon markets and digital asset markets, two rapidly developing areas that have gained significant attention in recent years. Our speakers covered:

  • An overview of the carbon and digital asset markets, with a related case study
  • Key considerations, including:
    • Creating the carbon asset/ER property right
    • Creating the digital asset/digital representation of carbon asset/er property right
    • Registry functionality
    • Enforcement and litigation risks
  • Section 45Q and the rules related to carbon capture and storage, as well as updates on how the recent proposed regulations on transferability apply to the federal income tax credits

We hope you were able join us for this useful discussion, aiming to help you assess and apply these tax credits in most effective way.

For more information
Visit our topics hub for related articles and the event series page to learn more. Please contact Sarah Stephens with any questions.

