Erik Stier


Erik Stier concentrates his practice on corporate restructuring and has been actively involved in numerous complex restructuring matters on behalf of the firm's clients. Erik's work includes out-of-court corporate restructurings, all aspects of in-court large and complex chapter 11 and chapter 15 debtor representation, including asset sales, confirmation of chapter 11 plans of reorganization and liquidation, resolution of claims and bankruptcy-related litigation.

Erik previously worked from the firm's office in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, where he focused on out-of-court corporate restructuring and conventional and Islamic finance.

Areas of FocusRestructuringFinance
Bar admissionsDistrict of Columbia


Notable representations in large Chapter 11 and Chapter 15 debtor cases:

  • In re Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust, Chapter 11 Case No. 20-12737 (Bankr. D. Del.), Counsel for the Debtors
  • In re TriVascular Sales LLC, Chapter 11 Case No. 20-31840 (Bankr. N.D. Tex.), Counsel for the Debtors
  • In re Comcar Industries, Inc., Chapter 11 Case No. 20-11120 (Bankr. D. Del.), Counsel for the Debtors
  • In re PHI, Inc., Case No., Chapter 11 Case No. 19-30923 (Bankr. N.D. Tex.), Counsel for the Debtors
  • In re NMC Health PLC, Chapter 15 Case No. 20-11385 (Bankr. D. Del), Counsel for the Foreign Representatives
  • In re Juno USA LP, Chapter 11 Case No. 19-12484 (Bankr. D. Del), Counsel for the Debtors’ parent
  • B.A., Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, New York University
  • J.D., Boston College Law School


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