In recent years, reducing carbon emissions has become a global priority. The EU has committed to reducing its emissions by at least 55% by 2030, by deploying a series of measures to decarbonize its economy.

At the heart of these ambitious strategies is promoting and developing renewable energies. The objective is clear: to achieve 40% of energy production from renewable sources and even 49% of renewable energy in buildings by 2030. This marks a significant turning point, forcing many countries to review their energy policies and invest massively in new infrastructure.

For years, many countries have lagged behind in terms of investment in infrastructure. But more restrictive legislation, particularly in the real estate sector, is now having a major impact on investment decisions. These measures are encouraging the private sector to turn its attention to innovative energy initiatives, helping to achieve the energy transition targets set by governments.

In this issue, we take a close look at emerging trends in energy infrastructure, exploring the voices, opinions and analysis of the real estate markets in the UK, France, Portugal, Romania, the Czech Republic, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the US, Australia and New Zealand, with a special focus on Germany.
